Category: Hanga | Create

Labelling A River

This week in inquiry we  learnt how to lable a river.

First i had to mark my paper  before i sat on the mat .   I had to use the video to work out what each part of the river was.

Next we went to the mat to mark it.

After that i  was finishing  blogging this and i relized i needed to fix up my sentences. One of them for example was like papar its supposed to be paper so i fixed all of those up.

I  enjoyed doing this task. I did well at labelling the river. I need to improve on inquiry.

List features

This week I learned about List Features in Miss Tele’as writing groups.  these were the list we had to do: what would body builders eat.and teachers to do list.

First I had to list what body builders would buy to eat. For example : A portein bar.

Next I had to list teachers to do list. I had to come up with our own ideas. For example : Get ready to see there student’s.

Lastly I had to show Ms Eadie the list of features I came up with and I added more stuff to the body builders list.

I enjoyed listing features. I did well at listing stuff. I need to improve on listing more stuff to body builder.

Class rules-Ls1

Today in PB4L we talked about class rules  beacause some of us keeps talking.  We have a class dojo and my teacher  says if we go on the mat quietly that is an opportunity to get a point. Next I made a DLO of some rules we have in Ls1.  Some of these we have to use during morning tea beacause people do silly games with sticks and stuff. After that I showed my teachers my work and they said I can publish it on my blog. THE END-Ataahua

Waitangi inferences

Today in inquriy we learnt about inferences of  waitangi, there were to 2 paintings  but one of them were taken ten years later  and i  chose painting  1 i made infrences about it was the first painting we talked about it in groups of 5 or 4 my group was Alicity,Cattelayea,me,sila.It was like an all girl group.Next we sat on the floor and  made inferences.After that we had to share our ideas to the whole class before we did them on our computers.Later then ive been working on google drawing.I also want to improve my Inquriy.i hope you like my drwing.

This is my work

Remeber when Sweet-E’s bag got stuck in the tree

Today in PB4L  we talked about the word Inclusion and  my answer was incuding someone  then our teacher put somthing on a google drawing and it said this Write a story about a time you had a problem and how you solved the problem OR Write down 5 times this week you have made an effort to include others. And i chose this Write a story about a time you had a problem and how you solved the problem and this is my story .


Tody in writing we were doing a narrative writing and we had to make a book based on our topic  and this is how mined turned out.




On a dark stormy night

In a land so far away there was a village where fairies lived until someone interrupted this story…


“Wait!”,said Kingston , the leader of the pack. “That’s not the story, this is the real story and when you read the lines make sure to say it with some attitude and lighten up we didn’t hire you to read like you’re bored.”… 


Here we go again.                                 


Once upom a time in a small happy village there lived nine happily fairies named Jay,me,Crystal,Chase,Courtney,Emma,Sky,Niche and the 2 twins Maddie and Sarah. They live next to a lovely lake.


There was one problem. An evil snake was trying to steal the whole fairy kingdom’s pixie dust to make him so powerful…


“Yeah, that’s definitely not the story,” 


“He would have the whole fairy kingdom to himself and he would be allowed to control the fairies but we always had our way of saving the day.”said Emma.


“Correct!” said Courtney.


“Our  challenge will be more challenging  because the weather forecast said that it will be a dark and stormy night at 5:00 and that’s when we have to meet  Evil snake Roy.” said Courtney.


“We don’t wanna go,” said Vicky.


“I know,but we have no choice,” said       Courtney. 


It’s scary in Roy’s castle. The fairies sneaked into the snake’s castle and why don’t we just get this over with and get our  pixie dust back  and then  Roy will never be seen again?


“Yay!” We cheered.


The End


Made by:Ataahua Mohi-Rau